Roseville City School District

Superintendent’s Article
July 2022


Shaping our Future 

With the sound of the A/C humming in the background, I’m reminded that yes, it is surely July. I hope you and your family have had the chance to recharge, maybe even fit in a vacation, and are gearing up for a safe and very happy Fourth of July. While students are out for summer, the district team is working hard to update school facilities and prepare for the return of nearly 12,000 new and returning faces in August. Each summer, district staff take advantage of these months to debrief from the school year, review our policies and processes, determine what worked, and what didn’t, and identify areas of improvement. 

One tool the district uses to identify goals and needs is the Local Control Accountability Plan or “LCAP.” The LCAP helps shape the district’s vision for students by collecting feedback from RCSD parents and community members to develop goals and take actions to improve the quality of education we provide. The 2021-22 LCAP revealed several successes achieved by the district, including that student test scores were similar to pre-COVID, a testament to the strength and quality of our educators and students. RCSD was also successful in the implementation of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), a student support protocol, safety plans and processes, weekly communication to our families and continued to meet high expectations on the Facility Inspection Tool.

So, what does all of this mean? The LCAP results allow us to gauge how effective our actions have been in accomplishing goals such as creating safe, positive school environments through an intentional focus on socio-emotional and academic learning. A student’s emotional health and well-being while in our care is of the utmost priority to us as educators and parents ourselves. We are committed to continuing the programs and actions that have been successful while setting new goals, such as increasing counselors at our middle schools. Thank you to everyone who participated in the LCAP, providing critical feedback to help us shape the needs of our students and community.

As a friendly reminder, the free summer meals program is continuing to offer lunches to anyone 18 years and younger through July 29 at Cirby (11:30 am-12:30 pm), Woodbridge (12-1 pm), and Barrett Ranch (12:30-1 pm) elementary schools and Antelope Crossing Middle School (11 am-12 pm).  

In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy these long (hot!) summer days with the littlest members of your family. We look forward to seeing students on the first day of school, August 11, 2022!