Annual Household Eligibility Form

Roseville City School District

Annual Household Eligibility Form

School registration is the first step in the new school year, which also involves getting to know new schools, teachers, and schedules, and, of course, filling out lots of paperwork! One form that is especially important for schools to get from families is called the “Annual Household Eligibility Form.” This form needs to be submitted each year for every RCSD student and can be submitted online during registration.

Some people have heard that it is only necessary to fill out this form if you want your child to qualify for free or reduced-price school lunch. Even though meals are free for all students, the truth is that it is important for EVERY family to fill out this form because doing so helps bring much needed additional money and services to your child’s school and to RCSD.

RCSD receives funding from the state and federal governments to support the needs of low income students. For each student who qualifies, our district receives thousands of additional dollars in funding. Even a small increase in eligible forms collected results in significantly more money to support our schools and students.

Even if your child does not eat school lunch, students who qualify also can receive other benefits like:

  • Fee waiver for afterschool programs
  • Fee waiver or discount for bus passes
  • Discounts for your family on utilities and internet service

How does filling out the Multipurpose Family Income Form help my school?

  • Schools may become eligible for money to fund after school programs.
  • Schools get more money in their budgets to support students.
  • RCSD qualifies to receive more money per student from the state and federal government which they can pass on to schools.
  • Middle schools with high return rates may also help their feeder elementary schools qualify for free afterschool snacks, dinners, and on-site summer meals.

Is this information confidential? 

  • Personal information submitted on the form is not shared with the state or federal government: only the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch is shared.
  • Principals and teachers are not told which students qualify for these benefits.
  • RCSD does not share information with other organizations that provide benefits. But if your child does qualify,you may use the eligibility form provided by RCSD to qualify for other benefits through providers like PG&E and Comcast.
  • If your child qualifies and chooses to eat lunch in the cafeteria, the breakfast and lunch process is the same as a student who is paying full price.

Please complete the form in your annual student registration packet.