Gifted and Talented Education

Roseville City School District

Gifted and Talented Education

Gifted and Talented Education provides differentiated curriculum and instructional services to students who are identified as having abilities and/or potential for high performance.

The mission of the Roseville City School District is to identify and serve gifted students. We provide rigorous instructional learning opportunities based on grade level standards. It is our goal to provide all students we serve with the tools necessary to reach their full academic and personal potential.

How are students identified as GATE?

Roseville City School District’s GATE identification process is based on the Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT). The OLSAT measures verbal comprehension, verbal reasoning, pictorial reasoning, figural reasoning, and quantitative reasoning and is used as one measurement to assess student GATE candidacy.

What does GATE identification provide?

Students who are GATE identified are provided a differentiated curriculum that may include extension activities, advanced literature review, independent investigations, enrichment support, and project development. Multiple opportunities are provided for acceleration, depth, and complexity in the core subject areas.

GATE Identification

GATE identification testing for the school year will take place in January. The GATE identification test will be administered at your student’s school site and is available for students currently in 3rd – 7th grade.  

If you have submitted the form prior to the sign-up deadline, you will be notified of your student’s scheduled testing day and time prior to Winter Break.

Contact Rachel McCoy at or 916-771-1600, ext. 50129, with questions.

Please note:  Students who are currently GATE identified do not need to test again.