Digital Resources

Roseville City School District

Digital Resources for Our Families

digital resources for families with hand searching online apps and RCSD logo

Working together, schools and families can prepare kids to think critically and use technology in positive, creative, and powerful ways. This page is a resource for RCSD families to help guide discussions and make the best decisions for their children. 

New RCSD Mobile Device Policy

On May 9, 2024, the RCSD Board of Education updated its Mobile Device Policy. The new policy outlines students are not allowed to use their personal mobile devices (including phones, personal tablets, bluetooth headphones (such as AirPods), and smartwatches) once they have entered campus for the instructional day and cannot resume their use until after the last period of the day. Devices must be turned off and stored away for the duration of the school day. This change aims to minimize distractions and enhance student focus and learning outcomes.

FAQ about the Mobile Device Policy

  • Q: I have questions about the mobile device policy, where can I find answers? 

    • A: While we have several frequently asked questions and answers below, decisions are ultimately made by referencing the new mobile device policy. You can read the Board Policy 5131.8 here for further clarification.
  • Q: How can I contact my student or how can my student contact me during the school day?
    • A: Students who need to contact family during the school day can visit the office to place a call. Families who need to contact their student during the school day can call the front office to relay a message or request a call back from their student.
  • Q: What if my child needs to access resources on their phone?
    • A: All middle school students have a district-issued Chromebook
  • Q: What if my student has a specific health reason for having their phone on during the school day?
    • A: When a licensed physician or surgeon determines that the possession or use is necessary for the student’s health, students will be allowed access to their device only to monitor or manage their diagnosed medical condition. Students diagnosed with a condition that meets the parameters noted above are not allowed to utilize their device(s) outside of managing their medical condition.
  • Q: What if there is a school emergency?

    • A: In the event of a school emergency, students will be provided instructions on the use of phones by school staff. During any emergency situation, use of devices will not be considered a violation of the cell phone policy.
  • Q: What will the consequences be if a student does not follow this policy?
    • A: Cell phone violations are as follows: 
      • 1st Violation: Student will be given a warning (Documented in PowerSchool/SWIS/Site Doc).
      • 2nd Violation: Student will be assigned a school consequence and administration will notify parent of violation.
      • 3rd Violation: Student will be assigned a detention. Students will attend a parent meeting with an administrator and may be required to check–in their phone to the front office daily.
      • 4th Violation: Student will check cell phone in at the office in a locked location at the beginning of the day and pick it up at the end of the day (SWIS major/admin contact home).
  • Q: My child wears a smartwatch at school, can they still continue to wear it?
    • A: If a smartwatch does have communication applications, students are to have the device off and put away during the entirety of the school day. Watches that are not used for communication (texts, phone calls) or gaming are allowed to be worn during the school day.


SmartSocial Resources

Coming in July 2024