Every Day Matters
Every Day Matters in RCSD!
Attendance is key to school success!
Students need to attend school to achieve in school. Families need to send their children to school on time every day. Staff and community members also play a role in ensuring that students attend school – every student, every day. We want all students to attend school at least 95% of the time – missing no more than nine days a year for any reason.
RCSD wants to support students, their families, and our community in ensuring every student is able to attend school every day.
Missing School Can be a Signal that Students Need Support
We care about each one of our students, and when they are at school each day, we know they are healthy, safe, and learning. However, when students are not in school, they are falling behind. Chronic absenteeism impacts all students—no matter their age. Students that miss just two days a month for any reason are more likely to not read at grade level, and more likely to not graduate.
Attendance can be a signal that a student needs support. Students might be absent because of:
- struggles with school subjects
- school climate
- health conditions
- anxiety
- transportation
- caring for family members