Every Day Matters

Roseville City School District

Every Day Matters in RCSD!

Attendance is key to school success!

Students need to attend school to achieve in school. Families need to send their children to school on time every day. Staff and community members also play a role in ensuring that students attend school – every student, every day. We want all students to attend school at least 95% of the time – missing no more than nine days a year for any reason.

RCSD wants to support students, their families, and our community in ensuring every student is able to attend school every day. 

Missing School Can be a Signal that Students Need Support

We care about each one of our students, and when they are at school each day, we know they are healthy, safe, and learning. However, when students are not in school, they are falling behind. Chronic absenteeism impacts all students—no matter their age. Students that miss just two days a month for any reason are more likely to not read at grade level, and more likely to not graduate.

Attendance can be a signal that a student needs support. Students might be absent because of:

  • struggles with school subjects
  • school climate
  • health conditions
  • anxiety
  • transportation
  • caring for family members

Resources for Families

RCSD has compiled resources, both District and external, to help families ensure students can attend school healthy and ready to learn each and every day. Find below resources by topic and to the right, general community resources.

Need a resource not provided? Please reach out to Executive Director of Communication and Community Engagement, Jessica Hull at jhull@rcsdk8.org or 916-771-1600 x50132.


Roadmap and Glossary

We’re excited to share with you informative infographics that break down the various attendance notices you might receive from our school and/or district and the various terms used in them. No more deciphering hieroglyphics on these notices!

Understanding terms like “Truancy,” “Unexcused Absences,” and “SART” can make your life a whole lot easier. These infographics are your go-to guides, and the notices help you stay informed and on top of your child’s school attendance.



When Is Sick Too Sick for School?

There are times when children need to miss school due to typical childhood illnesses. However, when many health issues are managed, we can reduce the amount of time children are out of school. Learn how to reduce the amount of time your children miss school due to health concerns by visiting the resources below.

Visit Placer County Child and Teen Health Services website here for resources to keep your students healthy throughout the year.


Stress and Anxiety

RCSD has added Care Solace as a unique service that allows everyone a way to reach out for mental health and wellness support. CareSolace is a care navigation and coordination system that makes it simple and easy for anyone in the RCSD community to get the right help in seconds. Please use this link to access this service quickly.



RCSD may provide transportation services to those students living beyond a reasonable walking/parent transport distance from the school. Reasonable walking/parent transport distance is considered:

  • 2 miles – Elementary School Students
  • 2.8 miles – Middle School Students

Learn more about Transportation Services by visiting our webpage.