Financial Reports

Roseville City School District

Financial Reports

In implementing its budgeting practices, the Roseville City School District strives to balance the needs of students, parents, and employees with the requirement for financial stability. To that end, the district budgets conservatively and reviews both short and long-term factors when assessing likely resources available versus district needs and obligations. The budget is a “living document” and as such, all factors related to its maintenance are constantly monitored and updated.

The purpose of this page is to share major updates and information related to the district budget and financial reporting, as well as pertinent presentation materials.


2023-24 RCSD Adopted Budget
2023-24 RCSD First Interim
2023-24 RCSD Second Interim


2022-23 RCSD Adopted Budget
2022-23 RCSD First Interim
2022-23 RCSD Second Interim
2022-23 RCSD Audit


2021-22 RCSD Unaudited Actuals
2021-22 RCSD Adopted Budget
2021-22 RCSD First Interim
2021-22 Education Protection Public Hearing
2021-22 Education Protection Revenues and Expenditures


2020-2021 RCSD Adopted Budget
2020-2021 First Interim
2020-2021 Second Interim
2020-21 RCSD Unaudited Actuals
2020-21 RCSD Audit


2019-2020 RCSD Adopted Budget
2019-2020 RCSD First Interim Report
2019-2020 RCSD Second Interim Report
2019-2020 RCSD Unaudited Actuals
2019-2020 Audit


2018-19 Proposition 30 Revenues and Expenditures - Actual
2018-19 Second Interim Financials
2018-19 RCSD Unaudited Actuals.pdf
2018-19 RCSD Audit


2017-18 Second Interim Financials
2017-18 RCSD Adopted Budget 



2016-17 RCSD Audit Report
2016-17 Unaudited Actual Financial Report


2015-16 RCSD Audit Report
2015-16 Unaudited Actual Financial Report


2014-15 Unaudited Actual Financial Report
2014-15 RCSD Audit Report