Roseville City School District
Title Typesort icon Attachment
Jostens, Inc. Approved: 2/8/2022
Freckle Education Approved: 3/1/2019
ThinkCentral Approved: 3/11/2016
Rosetta Stone Approved: 3/11/2021
ExploreLearning Reflex Approved: 3/15/2021
Art to Remember Approved: 3/15/2024
Codesters Approved: 3/22/2022
StoryboardThat Approved: 3/22/22
5-Star Students Approved: 3/23/2018
VidCode Approved: 3/24/2020
MakeMusic (SmartMusic) Approved: 3/24/2020
Vex Robotics Approved: 3/28/2023
Unique Learning System (ULS) | n2y, LLC. Approved: 3/6/2020
Brainpop Approved: 3/6/2021
Closegap Approved: 3/6/2021
Illuminate Education | eduClimber Approved: 4/1/2019
PowerSchool Approved: 4/1/2023
Teach Your Monster Approved: 4/1/2024
PlicBooks (ImageQuix, LLC) Approved: 4/13/2023
Legends of Learning Approved: 4/22/2020
Knowre Math Approved: 4/22/2020
ClassDojo Approved: 4/23/2018
LVI America, Inc. | MagniLink ChromeViewer Approved: 4/23/2019
IXL Learning, Inc. Approved: 4/28/2021
Ellevation Education Approved: 4/29/2021
PearDeck Approved: 4/3/2020
Formative Approved: 4/4/2023
STOPit! Solutions Approved: 4/8/2023
FlexTime Manager (EduSpire Solutions) Approved: 5/16/2022
Kahoot! Approved: 5/16/2023